One of the many features of TC&C’s CARIN365 system is the ability to record a web conference and export a “video + content” view where students can see both the instructor and the instructor’s presentation on their screen at the same time.
"I have been extremely impressed with TC&C's support for our online and distance learning programs and services" says Dr. Miguel Ramlatchan, the Assistant Vice President for Academic Technology Services in Old Dominion University's Office of Distance Learning. "We had already been working with TC&C on a potential implementation of their CARIN365 record system here at Old Dominion University to record our online web conferences. However, our funding and resources were significantly impacted by our response to COVID-19. We found ourselves suddenly having to deal with an influx of instructors and faculty who now had to teach online. We had to put or development of our CARIN365 system on hold. However, to support us, TC&C offered to help complete the installation, include several customized features and workflows, and offered us enough licenses to use the system to complete our Spring and Summer semesters. We deeply appreciate the assistance which allowed us to continue the development of the solution and we look forward to being able to offer our online students high resolution, high-quality video for their classes."

Old Dominion University's Office of Distance learning uses both Zoom and Webex web conferencing to support online classes. It is critical for working adults that these classes be recorded and available online after class. This option allows for students who have commitments outside the classroom to miss a live meeting of the class but to view the recording to progress and catch up, to replay complex content, or to review the recording before a major assignment or an exam. The use of TC&C's CARIN365 system allows for flexibility beyond the default record capabilities of web conferencing services. This flexibility allows for recording of just video and audio, or presentation content and video, or a mix of both video and presentation content and audio. One of the favored variations of class recordings allows for a 1/4-screen view of the instructor and a 3/4-screen view of the presentation content. ODU research indicates that social presence in online and virtual classes are enhanced when the students can see both the instructor and the instructor's content at the same time.
"COVID-19 changed online education, and the ramifications of these changes will be felt for years" says Dr. Ramlatchan. "However, through TC&C's support during this tough time, we were able to continue the implementation of our CARIN365 architecture and servers and the development of our next-generation content management system. We appreciate their support, we look forward to the next phase of the project, and we look forward to the results of our long-term partnership with TC&C!"
Miguel Ramlatchan, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President for Academic Technology ServicesOffice of Distance LearningOld Dominion UniversityNorfolk, Virginia