We are proud to announce the release of our renewed website. It goes live on the 1st of December and is located at the same address: http://www.tcandc.com/.
The new site has been crafted to be faster than ever, easier to navigate and more user-friendly. While keeping the design consistent to the former we moved to a more client-centric layout. We welcome visitors with featured content focused on our mission to provide excellence. Our current and prospective clients will find updated and detailed information about the products and services we offer.
More and more of our appreciated Customers read about our products and services on mobile devices therefore we did everything to further improve mobile usability in order to offer them an even better user experience.
We are also launching our brand new blog with the site at this address: http://www.tcandc.com/blog.html. The blog will provide the most accurate and up-to-date product information and we will also share our knowledge and expertise in the field of contact center technology.
We also wanted to give our clients an opportunity and to find relevant information about contact centers via their choice of social sites. It is also a possibility for us to show our human side; that we are not just a great company, but a team of actual people. From now on the company’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter profiles and YouTube channel can be reached with one single click.
The TC&C team has worked collaboratively to put together a new website rich in information to be used as a resource just for you. The website will feature new types of rich content and will be updated on a regular basis, with news of events, product launches and new interesting content.